Welcome to a database of approximately 9,000,000 enlistment records of the U.S. Army for World War II. This material only represents a fraction of the total Army enlistees from 1941-1945. The US National Archives created the initial data for this database from electronic cards. Many cards were unreadable, thus the reason for missing entries. There are a number of errors in the data and this occurred during the digitization process; we do not have a way to correct this information, we are just bringing it to you as we received it. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions. However it is a great source of material for the family, historian and researcher.
We have expanded this database to link to three additional databases so that you can potentially find more information on an individual. The 3 databases that are interfaced with this material are from the Sons of Liberty Museum, the Army Air Corps Library and Museum and a database of those Missing In Action (MIAs).
Results will include those in the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Air Forces.
Rules for using this database:
1. Enter the last name, serial number or laundry number to search.
Please be patient, some searches may take a few moments. thanks.
Enter at least 4 characters, narrow search with lastname space firstname
Laundry Number is 1st letter of lastname and last 4 digits of serial number
Enter 7 or 8 character serial number