Battleships were the kings of the ocean for decades delivering destruction from large guns. These armored warships symbolized a countries naval power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Following the advent of flight a new ship would take its place, the aircraft carrier. The carriers which approached lengths of 1000 feet played pivotal roles in the pacific theater of World War II delivered air power to the enemy. During this conflict another vessel really earned their stripes, the submarine the silent and hidden stalker of the seas; since then they have become one of the Navy's most formidable weapons.
Ships of all shapes and sizes comprise the US Navy. Destroyers, Cruisers, Destroyer Escorts all has specific functions but still carry an abundance of weaponry. Support ships from the oiler to the tender and cargo provide supplies, munitions and fuel. Landing craft deliver troops and cargo to the shores.
Welcome to the Sons of Liberty Museum's section on US Navy ships. We will be continuing to add material to these pages, preserving history and honoring seamen aboard these vessels.
The information and lists of vessels of all types comes from a variety of sources ranging from Jane's Fighting Ships to official US Naval (Department of the Navy) documents, materials from sailors and donors to our collection.
We wish to obtain material including but not limited to narratives regarding purpose of various types of ships, designs, assignement and battles. We are interested in acquiring deck logs, cruise books, roster-muster rolls, photos, citations and technical operation and training materials for as many US Navy ships as possible.
We are also looking for volunteers to help us write these narratives and to transribe roster muster rolls so that we can get this material into our searchable database.
You can make donations and contact us to assist-volunteer or answer questions. Help us Save Military History One Sailor at a Time and the history of the US Navy.