Sons of Liberty Museum: website header
Sons of Liberty Museum: mobile website header

Monetary Donations

Following are a number of projects that we seek donations, grants and other funding so that we can further our mission. As a 501(c)(3) Non-profit, your qualifying donations are tax deductible.

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A. Scholarships.

We take the field trip to the student.   Fund a trip by the mobile-museum to the school where we spend an entire day.  We travel to schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex of North Texas.

I. Preservation of Donations
Preserving artifacts when they arrive is our first priority. Many arrive in damaged boxes, papers just stacked loosely. They have been stored randomly for years at the mercy of weather, moths and other factors. Every physical donation has a cost associated with it as it goes through our process that gets it ready for exhibit and even includes their secure storage fee. For each donation-acquisition we need: - zip lock bags - plastic tub(s) - binder(s) - acid free page sleeves - hangars - garment bags / covers

II. Display of Donations
Depending upon the type of donation there may be items that are needed to display these items. We have a need for a number of the following items for the current collection as well as future requirements. - lucite stands for photos and placards - rikers cases for patches, photos, medals, souveniers. - mannequins for uniform display

III. Web Operation
We have over 1,000,000 web pages and are preparing data for the addition of many more. The hosting operation is a monthly cost of over $500/mo. and with this growth we are going to be needing more storage and thus incur additional monthly cost. Our website hosting and infrastructure are recurring costs and those are exploding. With the dramatic expansion of our online database and library we forecast that our monthly cost will soon expand dramatically in our technology expense.  We have tremendous plans in this area and thank you for supporting us in this initiative.

IV. Email Newsletter
We use Constant Contact for our monthly newsletter. Our cost for this service is $100/month.

V. Photos
We have over 100,000 photos in the collection. Many are loose or in albums. - We need these photos scanned and placed on our website.

VI. Videos
We have over 6800 clips of combat and service related motion pictures. - This footage currently in a digital format needs to be encoded and uploaded for online viewing along with a short description of the contents. - We also have approx. 100 vhs tapes that need to be converted to digital.

VII. Award Documents
We have over 150,000 pages of award documents. Currently this material is being transcribed by volunteers around the country. - we need many more volunteers or paid transcriptionists to move this project forward more quickly. - we are currently seeking unit roster and award documents to add to this project.  We have transcribed over 35000 to date.

VIII. MIAs Database and Research Library
- we have 40000 pages of after-action reports that need to be completed - digital process and placed in pdf format. - these documents will then be optimized for web and uploaded to our MIA database.

IX. MACR Database
- We have hundreds of MACRs (Missing Air Crew Reports). We would like to obtain the rest of them. - Then names of all servicemen on these reports needs to be extracted and place in our searchable database.

X. Webmaster / Administrator
- We receive many photos / scans weekly. We require personnel to take this shared/donated material and post it on the appropriate website. - We have an enormous backlog of material in which to add. Historians, Writers, Volunteers. 

XI. Online School & Learning
Our STEM-HG based programs need $250,000 to create an online learning facility and the first batches of learning videos that can be subscribed by schools.  This is the first step of our new STEM-HG initiative.

XII. Mobile - Education Program
We need a new pickup truck to tow our Mobile Museum.  We also need funds for fuel and scholarship for schools to deliver this mobile education center throughout North Texas (initially).  Plans for a second 28-foot mobile museum and truck are in the works. 

XIII. Education Center
We would like to establish an education center in the North Texas area where we can display large portions of the collection and hold education programs for people of all ages.

Donations of all denominations are welcome!

Thank you for your support.


 Donate With Paypal

Monetary donations can be made online via secure credit card transaction below:

Make Secure Donation Via Credit Card Here


If you have any questions about donations including the donation of non-monetary items or the mailing of checks.

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