Understanding the lingo, looking for a topic to research, gain some background information or just want to read for enjoyment. Find some of this material in our FAQ, Info section we call Military A to Z.
Wether you are a seasoned historian or looking to learn more about America's history, there is something for everyone in what we call Military A to Z. Did you know that the Mulberries played an important role in the D-Day landings? And what is a Mulberry anyway? Or what were the hedgerows in the Normandy countryside and how did some good yankee inginuity create specialized tank attachments that enabled the men to breach these stubborn obstacles.
Want to read Eisenhower's report that began with Overlord and ended with V-E day? Do you know the origin of the Higgins boat?
How about the origination of Military Time and the advent of the Forward Air Controller.
There will will be many topics of material in this section. Please read for enjoyment and education.