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Buried Unknown Soldiers

There still remain many numbers of citizen soldiers from various conflicts classified as unknown soldiers. These are unidentified recovered and buried remains. These who gave the ultimate sacrifice are found in American Battle Monument cemeteries around the world and even national cemeteries in the U.S.. The Sons of Liberty Museum is publishing the following ongoing research from the MIA Recovery Network in the hopes that more and previously unknown information may be made available enabling more of those who sacrificed to be fully accounted and recognized.

Search through records of Army (including Paratrooper and Armored Divisions), Navy, Marine and Coast Guard. Members that were assigned to Army Air Forces units are found on our sister organization's website: Army Air Corps Museum. If you have any information that would assist researchers for any of these cases, please contact us.

Search by Cemetery:
| ardennes | brittany | cambridge | epinal | florence | henri-chapelle | lorraine | luxembourg | netherlands | nettuno | normandy | north africa | rhone | sicily-rome | suresnes

Search by Cemetery:

| Ardennes | Brittany | Cambridge | Epinal | Florence | Henri-Chapelle | Lorraine | Luxembourg | Netherlands | Nettuno | Normandy | North Africa | Rhone | Sicily-Rome | Suresnes