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Burial Flags

You may have seen a few funerals of veterans this year where there was no family to honor them. Then word gets out of this tragic circumstance and five hundred people show up to give respects.

At a veteran's funeral the flag draped coffin is a powerful symbol. The honor guard's ranking officer presents the folded flag to a family member or representative.  What about these lone sentries that have ended their watch? Who gets these flags? Who keeps them? Who preserves them? Who honors them?

The Sons of Liberty Museum.

We have many burial flags in our collection. Our new education center has plans for the creation of a large burial flag wall or walls.

Families should keep burial flags and pass them to future generations. For those cities and organizations that hold a burial with no family, we are here be your first option for the flag.

"Saving Military History One Soldier At A Time"

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