We accept donations of all types of items that help us tell the story of an individual and their service history.
Artifacts that we accept include but are not limited to uniforms both dress and duty items, medals, ribbons, badges, patches, photos, memorabilia, papers, books, biographies, diaries, letters, scrapbooks, memorabilia, weapons, gear and equipment. We also accept souvenirs obtained from belligerent nations and organizations.
Artifacts can date from Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Gulf War and other conflicts encompassing all dates from 1900 to present day.
As a 501(c)(3) Non-profit, your qualifying donations are tax deductible.
Donations Defined:
The legal definition is: "Donation is the act by which the owner of a thing voluntarily transfers the title and possession of the same from himself to another person, without any consideration; a gift. A donation is never perfected until it is has been accepted, for the acceptance is requisite to make the donation complete."
Notes for Donors:
When you donate to any business, you are giving away this item. You have given it over to that person or organization. That organization can then do anything with it that they like. They can even dispose of the item(s) in any manner they see fit at anytime now and in the future. It is not your item anymore. This can be thought of as an ugly side to non-profits. So ask questions !
What We Do. Our Pledge.
Items we accept as donations are items that we intend to keep. We have internal mechanisms that prohibit our board and officers from transferring, selling, disposing of any items now and in the future. Not many organizations will give you this commitment. We value any items we receive as germain to our mission of Saving Military History One Soldier at a Time. So when you are making any type of donation you should check the policies and classification of the organization. This goes for any type of org even those that state that they are an archive or other type of non-profit or business.
We are honored to be entrusted with donations.
Contemplating a donation, please get in touch: www.sonsoflibertymuseum.org/contact.cfm